All posts tagged ‘patternadayjan

Daily Pattern Challenge: January Wrap Up

It’s a few days into February now, and I’m just now getting around to gathering my thoughts on the January daily pattern challenge. Overall, I think January was a success for me, and I enjoyed the process much more than I did in December. I loved carving the stamps, and I loved the immediacy of […]

Daily Pattern Challenge: January Update

I’m twenty-one days into the daily pattern challenge… or eighteen if you’re counting days of actually making patterns. Ah yes, I’ve had a slip. I can’t remember what my excuse was on Thursday, but then on Friday and Saturday it was too easy to just continue the pattern (ha, pun totally not intentional!!). Yesterday I […]

Daily Pattern Challenge: January Update

I’m about two weeks into the January daily pattern challenge. When I started carving stamps this month, I thought I would like doing it, but didn’t realize how fast I would fall for the process. Pulling back the stamp from the first imprint is always like magic. For someone who tends toward being a control […]