Author: Tricia

Printmaking: Project #1

Printmaking project #1 is complete! Our objective was to create a print that had a good balance of white and black. For class on Saturday, I need to turn in six of my best prints. I laid all of the prints on my bed tonight to whittle it down to the best six (out of […]

Project Life: Week 5 (2013)

It feels like this year is already flying by! I can’t believe I’m already finished with week five of Project Life. I did a lot of handwriting this week because I wanted to get the spread done quickly. It’s more important to finish this every week than it is to get too fancy. I think […]

Daily Pattern Challenge: January Wrap Up

It’s a few days into February now, and I’m just now getting around to gathering my thoughts on the January daily pattern challenge. Overall, I think January was a success for me, and I enjoyed the process much more than I did in December. I loved carving the stamps, and I loved the immediacy of […]

Project Life: Week 4 (2013)

I’m still really enjoying Project Life in week four, and happy that I’m still “caught up”. Last week at this time, I was already behind by a couple of weeks. This is one of those weeks that I couldn’t imagine doing a full size album. I had trouble filling the pockets in the mini album […]

What’s New? Vine

Twitter and Instagram are buzzing about Vine right now, so I jumped in last night. You can read more about Vine here and here, but basically it’s a app that lets you record 6 second videos in segments. You can stop/start the camera by pressing down on the screen. I can already see so many […]

Project Life: Week 3 (2013)

I’m still loving filling little pockets for Project Life in week three! Honestly, I’m pretty impressed by anyone who does this weekly in a larger album. It’s sometimes hard for me to fill seven little pockets, but maybe as I continue to work on this I’ll get better at taking more photos and writing down […]

Rainbow Artist Trading Card

Today I’m sharing a cute little Artist Trading Card (ATC) I made for Katie. I used the design from this sketchbook page. I love that the design wraps around to the back of the card. I haven’t made one of these in years, and I forgot how fun it is to make tiny little pieces […]

Daily Pattern Challenge: January Update

I’m twenty-one days into the daily pattern challenge… or eighteen if you’re counting days of actually making patterns. Ah yes, I’ve had a slip. I can’t remember what my excuse was on Thursday, but then on Friday and Saturday it was too easy to just continue the pattern (ha, pun totally not intentional!!). Yesterday I […]