Author: Tricia

Finding Magic

Sometimes a few days can pass by, one day blending into the next. Nothing special, nothing to recall. And then sometimes, something magic will happen. If you’re lucky, you’ll notice it. If you’re smart, you’ll capture it as a reminder that beauty is always just around the corner. This was what was waiting for me […]

33 Things I Want To Do in Year 33: April Update

I’m now exactly six months into my 33rd year, and I’m revisiting my list of 33 Things I Want To Do in Year 33. My last update was in December, and I need to make revisiting the list a monthly commitment because there hasn’t been much forward movement with the list in the last four […]

Daily Pattern Challenge (WOYWW)

Last month’s daily pattern challenge turned out to be not so daily. I don’t think I made it beyond the second week. I was trying to make all of my patterns out of stencils, and it wasn’t working for me. I should have switched over to using something else to create my patterns, but instead […]

Sketchbook: Glue it Tuesday!

Hello, spring! It’s everywhere. This is a page from my Moleskine sketchbook for Aimee’s Glue it Tuesday. Check out her blog to add your own link. All you need is a glue stick and something to glue down to participate. I handcolored some Japanese printmaking paper and tore it up for this collage. On the […]

Printmaking: Aquatint

Hello! Today I’m sharing the last printmaking project from my winter quarter class. If you read my last post on etching, you might have gathered that I did not immediately take to intaglio. Even though I was super excited about using the aquatint process for the this project, I unfortunately again had a hard time […]

Portland Color: Spring!

Spring is everywhere in Portland! It’s so lovely to see the vibrant colors popping up everywhere against the perpetual gray skies. Winter seems so long, rainy and gray here that it’s almost a shock when this happens. I forget that there will be days with an hour or more of light when I get home […]

Embroidery: What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW)

This morning I found a fun new linkup called What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW), where artists and crafters share images of their workspace and projects they are working on. My “workdesk” is not always an actual desk. I like to work small, and I like to be comfortable, so most often I work from […]

Sketchbook: Glue it Tuesday!

Good morning! Today I’m sharing a collage from my Moleskine sketchbook for Aimee’s Glue it Tuesday. It was so fun last week to check out everyone’s collages and glue creations. For this one I pulled out mostly plain color bits from magazines and catalogs. I couldn’t resist sneaking some scraps with the chevron pattern. I […]

Printmaking: Etching on Copper

I’ve just finished up my first printmaking class, so I’ll be sharing my last two projects this week. This is project #3, and it’s the replacement print for my first plate that was a little bit of a disaster. In contrast, this image came about a little more easily. I transferred the small thumbnail sketch […]

Sketchbook: Paper Weaving

Aimee at Artsyville has started a new Tuesday prompt called Glue it Tuesday! When she announced it last week I was super excited because it’s been a long while since I’ve done any collage work. I had a couple of misaligned prints from my reduction linocut project, so I decided to reuse the bad prints […]