Link Love


Happy Monday! Last week was a quiet one, and my sketchbooks were left untouched. I’m on a quest to make sure my sketchbooks feel the love again this week. I’m also joining in Tammy’s mission to share the link love at Daisy Yellow. I’ve found loads of inspiration to start off the week, and now it’s time to turn off the computer and get to it.

  • I just discovered Mae Chevrette’s blog today, and was particularly inspired by this sketchbook page. The combination of collage and lettering is lovely.
  • I’m a little bummed out that this blog appears to have been abandoned. I am a big fan of to-do lists, and these painted lists are probably the most charming I’ve ever seen. Enjoy the archives!
  • Another fun blog by Alison Worman. I’m so inspired by how she uses a wide variety of media. Fiber arts, book arts, printmaking, painting, drawing, collage. I love artists who are so versatile.
  • I love this crayon transfer technique tutorial by Marcia Beckett. I used to do this as a child, and totally forgot about it. I’m excited to try this technique again!
  • I’m really intrigued Heather Day’s loose painting style. I love her little tiny drawings and paintings. Her blog has inspired me to try to loosen it up a little this week.

I hope you all had a great weekend, and are full of ideas for the new week. I would love to hear what you’re working on in the comments!

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