33 Things I Want To Do in Year 33: December Update


I’m nearly three months into my 33rd year, and I’m revisiting my list of 33 Things I Want To Do in Year 33. After reviewing, I see that I need to be more aggressive in planning what items I want to work on every month. I’ve added notes below on my progress, and the items I’ll be working on this month. I’m going to review the list each month until October.

I’ve started a Go Mighty account to track my progress. Let me know in the comments if you are using Go Mighty for goal setting. I’m also looking for a good (healthy) slow cooker recipe, so I’d love a link to your favorite in the comments or by e-mail!

In process…
02. Walk a 5K – I signed up for the Shamrock Stride 5K in Portland on March 17. Treadmill training needed to get my ankle strengthened for this. I’d like to be at 1.75 miles on the treadmill by the end of January.
05. Take an Indian or Japanese cooking class – I signed up for a one night class on March 4. East Indian Cooking: Curry, Herbs and Spices. EXCITED!!
06. Take a printmaking class – I signed up for a Saturday class at PCC that starts on January 12, through the end of March. I can’t wait to learn some new skills. I’ve been wanting to take this class for several years.
18. Finish two art journals – I’m about a quarter of the way through a Moleskine watercolor sketchbook thanks to daily patterns. My regular Moleskine sketchbook has not been getting much use, and needs to come out more in January.

Next steps to be completed in January
07. Back up all of my digital photos – My photos are a mess. Two computers, two hard drives. I’m going to start consolidating everything on one hard drive, and work from there.
10. Unpack all boxes from our move in January – I’m going to buy another bookcase so that I can unpack the rest of my books.
11. Learn how to use Wacom tablet – First steps… simple shape patterns. I was frustrated the last time I tried this, and need to practice connecting what I’m seeing on the screen to what my hand is doing.
13. Make french onion soup – I will do this by January 19. Scheduled in calendar.
17. Start classes at PSU – I will fill out the application by January 1. Scheduled in calendar.
19. Go to zoo before my membership expires – I need to replace this goal. Membership expired in November.
21. Save $X – Save $X in January by not buying new things (excepting food, household supplies, and bookcase).
31. Cook 20 new recipes – I will cook 2 new recipes in January.

01. Walk over seven Portland bridges
03. Take a mud bath in New Zealand
04. Try indoor rock climbing
08. Submit artwork to Art-o-mat
09. Make a quilt
12. Go camping with my sister
14. [Private goal]
15. Go to Astoria or Bend for a long weekend with boyfriend
16. Join or create a sketchbook or artists meetup group
20. Sell a piece of artwork
22. Take a soapmaking class
23. Make a collaborative sketchbook with another artist
24. Try yoga
25. [Private goal]
26. Make a new girl friend in Portland
27. Open an Etsy shop
28. Go on a short trip somewhere in the U.S. by myself (or to visit a friend)
29. Build a portfolio website
30. Buy a bike and ride somewhere with my sister
32. See Crater Lake
33. Go to OMSI After Dark

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