Back to School: Courses

I’m not taking any credit classes this quarter so that I can focus on healing and strengthening my ankle. September has always felt like a second new year. I love going back to school and starting fresh. I’m going to create my own back to school with e-courses, short non-credit workshops through the community college, and new books.

Here are some of the e-courses I’m considering for September:

Mondo Beyondo: An online class about dreaming big. I’ve already enrolled in this one. Breaking my ankle this summer has put many of the dreams I had for this year on hold, so I could use some new interim dreams. Starts September 10th.

Flying Lessons: Tips + tricks to make your creative biz soar. This is the last time this course is being offered, and the content looks great, but I’m not sure I’m quite there yet. I know I want to have a creative business someday, but I’m not sure I know what I want that to look like right now. Starts September 16th.

Creative Courage: An international e-course for women about finding, following, and realizing your creative goals. This course is really speaking to me. Starts September 24th.

Sketchbook Delight: I’m planning to take a printmaking course in January, so I need to get back into sketching and drawing. I love Alisa Burke’s colorful sketchbook pages. Self-paced course.

Re:Connect: Get unstuck & find your magic. The course content looks great, but the yoga and space organization weeks would be tough with my ankle. Bookmarking this one for future sessions. Starts September 17th.

See also: Back to School: Books

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